Blogging vs Medios tradicionales

Mark Cuban lo explica perfectamente, y habla con conocimiento de la línea que nos separa:

In traditional media, you are first defined by your medium. (…) There is a cost vs time vs interest vs access series of constraints that determines who your audience is, how you reach them and what they expect of you. Over time, that has evolved our media into very defined roles.

Blogs are different. There really isn’t a cost constraint. It costs nothing to create a blog. There are time constraints, but less so than traditional media. Bloggers don’t have to publish or show on a schedule. In a nutshell, blogging is personal. Which is really where the paths of blogging and traditonal media diverge. Traditional media has become almost exclusively corporate while blogging remains almost exclusively personal (…)

Which is exactly why blog readership is going up, while traditional media is consolidating, if not contracting. Traditional media goes to work, bloggers live their work.

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